Jun 29Liked by Dan Spink

Hi Dan

Interesting perspective on a topic that my brother & I discuss often: Change. It’s inevitable & constant. The world is constantly evolving & therefore changing around us. Those that deny this with fact do it with such vigor that I feel they do it both out of fear & confusion. It may sound harsh & even odd but it reminds me of why a baby crys- it doesn’t yet have the skills to process the rate of information it is getting.

I have my own theory & observation that relates to that baby: if things are happening too fast to comprehend them then slow them down for yourself until u can accept them. That doesn’t mean we can control them entirely just that we more aptly look at change as an opportunity to grow instead a fear of not knowing. Like we do with a baby.

I learned this from Aunt Aileen as she approached her 96th in 2014. I was fortunate to care for her the last several years of her life & she always used to tell me to “slow down” until you understand. She was right too - every time I did the Bigger, Faster, Stronger Model I would often slide out of control . Then, often after a visit with her, I tried to stop or slow down & for me aspects of that topic became clearer. Collateral effects were more recognizable but no less inevitable just again easier to understand & take.

Of course not everyone will let or want you to slow the process. In fact, it often seems that our society especially in America loves to praise those that get everything at a young age or seem to “have it all”. But again when I dissect that it’s not that it’s wrong just undefined. Surely everyone’s definition of having it all, is just as varied as what

each individual may define as successful. Everything should not be done slow or fast but at a rate of understanding that’s as individual & distinct as every baby.

Let's evolve together & accept the change

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Dear Mike:

Thank you for your thoughtful and interesting resonse. Like Dean you are gifted with natural curiosity, as revealed by your Aunt story.I agree with our advice too. As one other author. phrased it I've read, just hit the pause button when you're ressured. That gives the brain a little more time to organize its response. Hope all is well with hyou and our fmaily. You had a challenge to manage the trajedy in North Carolina but, I'm sure, did it well.


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